Thursday 1 September 2016

Speaking at the SDN Event

All the preparations are nigh on complete and this evening I shall be on a short aeroplane ride to Holland (or The Netherlands, if you prefer) to present a couple of Delphi talks at one of the SDN’s big SDN Events – full agenda here. I’ll be in good company as also speaking on the Delphi track will be TMS Software’s Bruno Fierens and also Bob Swart.

I’ve spoken at User Groups regularly but this is the first opportunity for me to talk to Delphi developers from further afield at a conference since April 2015 when I was at the ADUG Symposium, speaking in Canberra and Melbourne.

SDN events are always friendly gatherings and I’ve spoken at a few of them over the years: 1997, 1999, 2002, 2005, 2006 and 2012.

This time around I will be speaking on two of my favourite subjects: creative debugging techniques and accessing the Android OS API. Naturally I’ll be using the latest and greates version of Delphi as a vehicle for the talks, and I’ll be trying to squeeze in as many technical tips, tricks and techniques as I can into the 2 hour-long sessions.

For those attending the event tomorrow (2nd September, 2016) I’ll see you there!


  1. I was there in 2005 and it was an excellent presentation. I still wonder how you switched between slides/code samples and Delphi so quickly ;)
